According to the online Cambridge Dictionary, the prefix ‘re-’ stands for “do again” or “returning something to its original state”. These two letters can be used in various combinations, many of which relate to core issues of pop, rock, jazz, hip-hop, dance, and many other genres. Consider the centrality of the record, a technological tool that allows reproduction, recreation, and ultimately re-evaluation.
Announcement Winners IASPM Benelux VNPF Thesis Prize 2018
IASPM Benelux are pleased to announce this year’s winners for the annual IASPM Benelux VNPF Popular Music Thesis Prize. This year’s competition was adjudicated by three jury members: Dr. Leonieke Bolderman of the University of Groningen, music industry professional Marjan Wynia, and Dr. Matthias Heyman of the University of Antwerp. The winners were chosen according to the criteria of relevance and innovation of thesis topic, quality of research, argumentation, and the overall writing style and elegance of the thesis.
Job Announcement (Groningen)
The Arts, Culture and Media programme of the University of Groningen is looking for a highly motivated full-time Assistant Professor (Dutch: Universitair Docent) in Narrativity and (Inter)mediality in the Arts, preferably with an expertise in popular music, sound studies, theater or performing arts:
Schedule IASPM Fourth Annual Student Conference, 27 May 2019, 10.00 – 18.15
We are pleased to invite you to the Fourth Annual Student Research in Music Conference taking place on May 27th, 2019 at the University of Utrecht and co-hosted by IASPM Benelux, University of Utrecht, HucBald and KVNM. This year the program features five panels and two keynotes by the MA winners of the IASPM Benelux VNPF Thesis Prize and the Hélène Nolthenius Prize for best MA thesis in popular music and musicology respectively.
Call for Papers: Fourth Annual Student Conference – Research in Music
On 27 May 2019, we will hold our fourth student conference on music research at the Utrecht University. This one-day event will offer a series of panels led and presented by students at all levels of their academic careers. At the end of the day, we will also award the prize for the winners of the BA and MA Popular Music Thesis Award, organized and presented by IASPM Benelux and VNPF and the Hélène Nothenius Prize for an outstanding master thesis on music history organized and presented by the KVNM.