IASPM 2021 conference in Daegu, Korea postponed to 2022!

Unfortunately the international board of IASPM has just announced that the IASPM Bienniel Conference to be held in South Korea in 2021 has now been postponed for 12 months. With a date in July 2021, they had hoped that we would be largely over the Coronavirus Pandemic, and at least some IASPM members would be able to attend the conference. The IASPM Executive Committee and conference local organising committee discussed this a number of times, and they have held off making a decision until now, in the hope of still going ahead with a blend of in person and online involvement. However it is now clear that it is unlikely many people would be able to plan travel in April, and travel will still be disrupted in many parts of the world in June/July.

There will still be some activities on the original date of the conference, there will be one or more online research presentations, an online AGM with reports from IASPM executive committee, the IASPM Book Prize, IASPM Executive Committee elections, and a vote on the venue of the subsequent conference. More details on this to follow!

For updates and further details please refer to: http://www.iaspm2021.org/index.php and https://www.iaspm.net/

You can also e-mail the local organizing committee: iaspm2021@gmail.com